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Tips for Owners

This page contains tips for owners.

Hurricane Preparedness Plan & Emergency Procedures

This emergency plan is established as an integral part of THE HAMMOCKS CAPE HAZE building occupants’ response to emergencies. The contents of this plan are designed as an operational guide for behavior, safety, protection of the residents and visitors to the property.

CLICK HERE to see/print our Hurricane Preparedness Plan & Emergency Procedures now!

Guides & Information Sheets

Click on the information sheet to read, print or download it.

Hammocks Preserve Information Sheets & Resolutions

Click on the information sheet/resolution to read, print or download it.

Hammocks Preserve & Villa Entry Door Replacement

If you need to replace your entry door, you must replace it with a door slab consistent with the door slab you are taking out. For complete information, please click on the “Architectural Review” tab above and then “Standards” and then “Entry Doors….”

The entry door systems installed in our units are Therma Tru and they are fiberglass, textured, six panel, IMPACT doors. Also, you may not change or alter the frame within which the door slab sits. Additionally, our Declarations require the door “…shall be of a design, quality specification and decor consistent with the Condominium Property.”

Slabs may be purchased direct from Therma Tru by your contractor. For installation, see Handyman under Local Services page.

Entry Door Hardware
  • If your entry door handle has become corroded with the salt air and you wish to replace it,
    CLICK HERE to order it from Amazon or find it at Home Depot.
  • If your entry door knocker/viewer has also become corroded and you wish to replace it,
    CLICK HERE here to order it from Harney Hardware.

Faucet Valve Replacement

Hammocks units use plumbing fixtures by Kohler. The valves in the sink faucets carry a lifetime guarantee. Call Kohler at 800-456-4537 for replacements.

Energy Audit

Those owners with penthouse units may wish to have a free energy audit done by Florida Power & Light to ascertain if the insulation in the attic is sufficient. The FPL Energy Audit department can be reached at 800-342-5375.