Hammocks Architectural Review

Julie McMurry (Chair) jmcmurry101@gmail.com 207-522-1350
Bill Merdan bill.merdan@prtel.com 218-205-1540
Bob Pearson rpearson@duluthlaw.com 218-348-1938
Dag Parsell dagpar54@gmail.com 419-680-6140
Marcia Verkaik mjbverkaik@gmail.com 616-293-9377

Architectural Review Committee

All modifications of a unit visible from outside (e.g., lanais, doors, windows) is subject to Architectural Review Committee (ARC) approval in accordance with ARC guidelines outlined below. Owners must submit a completed ARC Request Form. The ARC will respond to an owners’ request within 45 days (subject to approval of amended documents).

ARC review does not apply to construction on or other improvements or modifications to the common areas made by or on behalf of the Master Association. Owners may remodel, paint, or redecorate the interior of their units without approval although condo flooring requires a noise buffer (see xxx).

Mission and Process

The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is a formal, standing committee appointed by the Master Board as documented in Article VII and Article XIII of the Master Association Declarations. Article VII focusing on Architecture and Landscaping, requires the establishment of an ARC. Use Restrictions, as outlined in Article XIII, identifies ARC responsibilities. (See sections 1, 5, 6, 8, 15, and 19.)

  • The ARC includes 5 members with at least one Villa owner and one Preserve Condominium owner. Members serve a 1-year term unless otherwise specified. If an owner from one of the associations cannot be found to serve, one shall be appointed from the other association.
  • In compliance with state mandates, meeting time, place and agenda will be posted at least 48 hours in advance. Approved minutes will also be posted on the Hammocks Website (https://www.hammockscapehazefl.com). Meetings are open for all owners to attend.
  • The approved architectural standards are also posted on the Hammocks Website.
  • The scope of the ARC includes:
    • any structures within the grounds of the Hammocks;
    • any modifications to buildings that are visible from the exterior – to include lanais and screen porches, doors and windows; and
    • establishing standard guidelines on all exterior architectural areas as identified in the Master Association governing documents and those of the Villas and Preserve Associations and submit them to the Master Association Board for approval.
Standard Development and Review

The ARC develops standards for common requests such as changing exterior doors, replacing lanai screens, etc. The standards are posted on the Hammocks Website.

  • Owners’ requests for a change(s) when no standard exists will be considered on an individual basis and submitted to the Master Board for approval.
  • The Master Board forwards approved standards to the appropriate Villas or Preserve Boards to approve, reject, or recommend changes. The Boards must respond within 45 days to respond or the standard will be automatically enacted.
  • The ARC will review recommended changes by the Villas and Preserve Boards during their next regularly scheduled meeting and resubmit them to the Master Board for final review and action.
Approval Process of Architectural Changes
  1. Owners Requesting Changes in Compliance with Approved Standards:
    • Owners wishing to make an architectural change in compliance with an approved architectural standard must submit a completed Architectural Review Committee Request Form to the Hammocks manager.
    • The owner will provide the owner a copy of the standard and have the owner sign an agreement that their proposed changes will meet the requirements set forth in the standard.
    • Upon completion of the work, the owner must contact the manager to inspect the installation to ensure compliance with the standard.
    • The manager will
      • inspect the installation and add notes, sign, and provide the date of the final inspection on the Request Form;
      • make a hard copy of the updated Request Form for the unit file; and;
      • notify the ARC, during a regular ARC meeting, that the standard was followed.
    • If an architectural change does not meet the standard, the owner will be given 30 days to correct the problem. If the owner fails to comply, the association will correct the problem and will charge the owner for costs.
  2. Owners Request to Change(s) When No Standard Exists:
    • Owners wishing to make an architectural change that does not fall under an approved architectural standard must submit a completed Architectural Review Committee Request Form to the Hammocks Office Manager and allow up to 45 days for the ARC to approve or reject the request. The request must be accompanied by scaled, detailed plans and specifications for the work in question.
    • Once approved and upon completion of the work, the owner must contact the Office Manager to inspect the installation. Following notification, the Office Manager will follow the procedure above.
Appeal Process for Hammocks Owners (Master Board Resolution Passed January 22, 2016)

Owners Aggrieved by ARC Decision May Appeal to Master Association Board Any owner aggrieved by a decision of the ARC may file a written appeal to the [Master] Association Board.

  • The appeal must be received at the management office of the Master Association within 30 days of the issuance of the ARC decision. Failure to file the appeal within this appeal period renders the ARC decision final.
  • The written appeal must specifically address the following: (1) the portion of the ARC decision that is objectionable; (2) the reason(s) the owner is objecting to the ARC decision; and (3) the solution requested.
  • The written appeal must be accompanied with scaled, detailed plans and specifications for the work in question.
  • If requested by the Board, the owner shall appear at a duly noticed Board meeting to present the appeal, answer questions and otherwise respond to issues of concern.
  • The Board shall issue its decision within 30 days of receipt of the written appeal, or the appearance of the owner at a requested Board meeting, whichever is later.
  • The decision of the Board shall be final. The Board may approve the appeal, with or without conditions; approve a portion of the appeal and disapprove other portions, with or without conditions; or reject the appeal and either accept the decision of the ARC or modify it in the manner deemed by the Board to be in the best interests of the community.

Standards & Information

The following standards for new items and replacement of existing items have been created
by the Architectural Review Committee. If you have any questions regarding any standard, please contact Hammocks’ manager.

Click on the standard below for the details.

CLICK HERE for information regarding a potential “solution” to failing entry doors.

Request Form

Please note, any change to any external component of your unit, must be submitted to the Property Manager on an Architectural Review Committee Request Form.

You may print the form or download to your device, complete electronically and email.

CLICK HERE for the Architectural Review Committee Request Form.

Architectural Review Committee Meeting Minutes

The Hammocks Architectural Review Committee (ARC) minutes are grouped by year and listed in month order. Click on the date to see/print the minutes for that meeting. (Note: In 2015, landscaping issues and architectural review were under one committee as reflected below.)


While the information provided above is believed to be correct, there is no liability for any loss or damage occurring by reason of reliance thereon.

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